Those who do not learn history are doomed to replace it. We’re currently awash in current event stories (e.g. Patriot’s Day) competing with historical revisions…
Okay, this is heady stuff. Basically, Martin Seligman’s involved in Positive Psychology, which for him means not simply treating the miserable (or the sexually dysfunctional…
This post is a great companion piece to my Use of Reveals post, but with the added bonus of watching JJ Abrams talk about his Mystery Box: Not only does he talk about great scenes, and production tricks (always protect…
The following is an excerpt from my Pre-Script Pro-Strategy Screenwriting Seminar (AKA Pre-Pro), now available at Udemy. The whole thing is over 5 hours long,…
Let’s say you’re crafting a story. Assuming you have great characters, an engaging plot, and a resonating theme with wide audience appeal, you may discover…
Kurt Vonnegut wrote some great stories, some which bored me to tears in college as professors pleaded that it was the best stuff ever. While…